World Cup Semi-Finalist Teams

 in this article we are going to tell here about the Pakistan and Afghanistan chances are scenario 200 into the semi finals of till now 14 have to qualify for this semi final of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 while out there at 10 teams who are participating in this world cup their names of team India team New Zealand team Australia team South Africa team Pakistan team Afghanistan team Sri Lanka team Netherland and team England.

every team has to play 9 matches in order to reach the semi final of the world cup the team have to make it space in the first four slots of the world cup 2023.

no we are going to talk about the journey of the Indian team ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 as for as the journey of the Indian team is concerned Indian team has qualified for the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 semi final Indian team has played 8 Matches and they have won all of their matches on their reading points are 16 and they are representing the number one position in the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 group stage while the second team which have qualified for the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 is the team South against the Netherland and they have won another match but still they have been able to make their space in ICC Cricket World Cup semi final.

all the third time which has made his place in the semifinal love the ICC Cricket World Cup is the team Australia team Australia have played it matches out of its 9 matches in ICC Cricket World Cup 23 group stage out of these matches accident team has won 6 matches while they have lost their 2 matches which against them India and again the team South Africa while all of other matches have been won by the Australian team and this was Australian team have qualified.

well there is immiguity for the number for position of the semi final of ICC Cricket World Cup and the most probably there are 99% chances of the qualification of the New Zealand team for the semi final of ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 New Zealand team have 12 points at this at this stage they have to phone the value well and their points and while the number 5 position is that in Pakistan Pakistani team have to play It's 9th last match of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 in the group stage and Pakistani team scenario to win dream remaining match is against the England Pakistan have played at matches out of the nine and Pakistani team has lost four message and they have won they are for matches first two matches Pakistani won by the Pakistan so in this Pakistani team has won out of they have played match and the Seven they have lost their for the fifth and 6 match which were again India again South Africa guest Australia and again 23 semi final team have.

 not only Pakistani team have to meet again its match against the England birthday I stay on guitar first then Pakistan have to win the match by 287 if Pakistan score 3 Pakistan score 300 runs and they have to out all the England team on 13th runs in Pakistan team score for 3:15 and then they have to score they have personal team score 400 and they have to won this match and they have to won this match by 63 team score 400 runs and they have to on this match by all out of the England score 500 runs and they have to won the match by all out the all out the England team at 200 and 11 runs to in this way Pakistani hundred will become getted then that all the New Zealand which is now plus point seven 300 runs are 350 team have to change.

personal team have to change the target in 16 balls if I have to change this is Pakistani team have to call if I for this Army final then Pakistani teams should won the after winning the task used to bed first in Pakistani Team should score maximum score as much as they can they can do Pakistani Team should score 50000 and they should all of the England before 200 and 11 so now we are going to talk about the number 6 team of the ICC cricket.

no we are going to talk about the message schedule of the team 

 let's talk about the scenario of the Afghanistan team to qualify for the semi final of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 Afghanistan team has first or all to come with us and after winning returns they have to play first so on the 10th November this match is going to be held between Afghanistan and South Africa and in this match of team has won the toss and let it to be at first while play I'll playing against the South Africa West Afghanistan team has to won this match by 438 runs in this way they would be able to make their players in the 4th of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 and they will be able to play there semi final against the team India because they are at number 1 in the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 while add number 2 is 13 South Africa and number 3 is the team Australia no let's talk about the scenario the Pakistani team to qualify for this semi final Pakistan team is going to place last and 9th match of the ICC Cricket World Cup point table of the all the 20th and this match is against the England this match is going to be held on the 11th November and this match is going to be alone 11th November 2023 from Pakistan and England first all the time table for this match is 2:00 p.m. Indian standard time 1:30 p.m. Pakistan standard time this match is going to be held at Eden Garden Stadium Kolkata and this is the 44th match of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 as far as the chances of Pakistani team to playing for the semi final the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 is considered first team has to won the toss in lakh to boy or bad first while that of the personality I have to score 300 and they have to home this my by 287 if the score 350 run and I need to on this match by 63  Pakistani team score 400 runs and their need to win this 2012 is there 4:15 and then it to win this match by 162 Run but if this code 500 runs then they need to win this match by 29 of Pakistan scenario val batting first to qualify for the semifinal ICC cricket in the 16 balls and which ever will be the target given by the England team. well that of the scenario for the England team is that England team have to win this match in order to qualify for their CC champion trophy which will be held in 2025 in Pakistan so this matches also the team England and this match is also precious in Pakistan in Pakistan could not do so then the New Zealand team will qualify for the ICC Champion Cricket World Cup 2023

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